*Authors correction of “Iron Order” changed to “Iron Circle.” Also added more information on Texas Iron Circle – July 5th, 2017 12:26pm CST.
Mexia, Texas Detective | M.C. Club “Gang” Investigator | Arson Investigator | DEA Agent | and now Ellis County Sheriff’s Deputy – Richard “Chip” Hundley

If there is one single person who is responsible for setting up the Bandidos of Texas with the least physical evidence to date, it will be Iron Order Circle Riding Club member Chip Hundley. He was quoted as saying:
“This is probably the No. 1 most violent incident that’s happened in the history of outlaw motorcycle gangs in the United States,” said Richard Hundley, a Mexia police detective who has investigated biker gangs for 17 years. “This is war.
Because of biker gangs’ history of relatively low-level violence, Texas authorities in recent years have placed them on the “back burner” and focused more on border security and cartels, Hundley said. “It takes a lot of resources if you’re really going to investigate these guys — financially, wiretaps, undercover,” he said.But Hundley, the Mexia detective who has gone undercover in biker gangs, said the Bandidos pressure smaller clubs to join the confederation and pay dues to it, which they use for their group. That’s why the Cossacks refused to join the confederation, he said.
“It’s organized crime at its finest,” Hundley said of the Bandidos. The CoCI is “a motorcycle activist group; however, it’s a fine line. It was made by the Bandidos for the Bandidos, and of course they give money to motorcycle rights to make everyone happy and then they’re lining their pockets with it, no doubt.” – Naomi Martin of the Dallas News May 23, 2015

“Sheriff Johnny Brown swears in four Deputies
Waxahachie, Texas – July 14, 2016
Ellis County Sheriff Johnny Brown recently swore in four Deputies. The Deputies are:
Richard “Chip” Hundley, who received his peace officer license in October 1993, most recently served with the Mexia Police Department. Hundley previously served with the Ellis County Sheriff’s Office and is assigned to the Criminal Investigations Division.”
“Police detective Chip Hundley is seeing changes in the Mexia Police Department that indicate positive outcomes for lowering crime in the city. According to the Mexia Newspaper from 2014
Hundley has been a police officer the past 22 years and holds a Master Peace Officer license. He started working for Mexia in 1990 as a firefighter, then became an arson investigator. He left the city to work as a detective for the Hill County Sheriff’s Office, then as an undercover narcotics investigator for the Ellis County Sheriff’s Office. He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant over Narcotics, then was assistant commander of the Governor’s Texas Narcotics Control Program Task Force. With that program, he covered south Dallas and Tarrant counties.
Even after returning to Mexia in 2007 to work as a detective at the Police Department, he has also served as task force officer for the Drug Enforcement Agency.”
In 2014 Steve Cook and Chip Hundley were chatting it up on facebook about a recent hunting trip that Chip took.

Iron Order Circle rider Chip Hundley has spent the last 9 years of his life trying to set up the Bandidos for an array of non-crimes and has always fallen short of any convictions. His role in the Twin Peaks Ambush started with his friendship with Steve Cook, the head of the International Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Association. (if you google it and go to their site, your computer will have malware installed on it and your phones will be tracked.)
He arrested Kris Rhyne, former Cossack, for drugs in 2014, and Hundley got him to instigate his brothers in turning dislike into hate to set up the events leading up to Twin Peaks. His uncle Jacob Rhyne, along with Jacob Reese shot an unarmed man, Mohawk, and Chip Hundley is responsible for his death, Steve Cook and John Woosnam are responsible and guilty of Misprision of felony, Organized Crime, and Murder.
Texas Iron Circle “MC” (*Technically a Riding Club) presents CLEAT with a check for the fallen officers memorial in Austin, Texas. Interesting enough there is at least one Cossack with a CLEAT attorney, Nate Farish is represented by Rob Swanton. Rob is brothers with WPD CIO Patrick Swanton. There are also at least 3 current Iron Circle riders that work at the McLennan County Detention Center. The McLennan chapter vice president is the son of the Major in charge of inmates at the county jail. The main source of information for WPD to lead up the training for Twin Peaks 2015 was Shawn Board, Iron Circle “Dome.” Dome’s ole lady was acting supervisor for TABC in 2015 whilst using her maiden name.
“Rob Swanton, who is representing Nate Christian Farish, 30, said he also doesn’t plan to take on any additional suspects in the Twin Peaks case.
“I don’t know how you can possibly represent more than one person without a potential conflict of interest,” he said.”

The next chapter in the Hundley playbook, is sort of a big deal, as he is on the subpoena list in Tarrant County for Robert Stover. Mr. Stover is accused of crimes in Tarrant County Texas in connection to the Gators Jam Inn incident where Cossacks and Wino’s MC members were meeting in 2014 and a man was shot, and the highest ranking Bandido MC member was found guilty of his shooting and sentenced to 45 years in TDCJ, even though witnesses specifically state that the man with the tattoos on his face (referring to Howard Baker – President of a Dallas area Bandido chapter) was not there at the time of the shooting, although he was pulling into the parking lot. Nate Farrish was across the street watching the rival club pull into the parking lot, on a Friday night in 2014. Sounds very familiar to Waco in 2015.
Mr. Baker recently filed an appeal and is waiting on his former law team to admit that their lack of objecting to 8 hours of testimony with NOT ONE single objection did not provide Mr. Baker Due Process with effective counsel. Mr. Baker is innocent of the charges against him, as is Mr. Stover.
Sometimes things are family affairs. Like the cousins in the District Attorneys office.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.onenationunderarrest.com/wp-content/uploads/Richard-Hundley-DA-Cousins-Tarrant-Co-Tx.pdf”]