Officer of the Court Benjamin Rush has had a roller coaster of a life on the streets of Waco, at home, and in and out of the courtrooms of McLennan County. His wife, former Hallsburg teacher Patricia Rush, should be a felon for her improper relationship with one of her 13 year old male students, as court reports show from 2013. She is not required to register as a sex offender, nor did she do any prison time, all swept away with a stroke of the pen, for everyone except the victim(s).
The plea bargain with the attorney general’s office will not require Rush to register as a sex offender and calls for her to receive deferred probation for eight years. If Rush, 40, successfully completes deferred probation, she will not have a conviction on her record.
Rush pleaded guilty to recklessly causing non-specified “mental injury” to the boy.
In exchange for her guilty plea, the attorney general’s office will dismiss eight counts remaining against Rush.
Her attorney, Bill Johnston, said Rush is glad to have this unfortunate chapter in her life resolved.

Being in the courtroom alone could trigger this mans P.T.S.D. from what he has been through. Merely thinking of his wife calling, desperate to find out if her insurance policy would be needed, must have been dramatic, correction, traumatic for them.
Rush goes on to state several things that the District Attorney needed to get on the record, such as did Rush recognize a man on a blue motorcycle, with a white helmet, riding gloves, and black rims on his tires.
Officer of the Court Rush did not recognize the white helmeted rider on the blue bike, Reyna continued on in his requests to describe what was shown on the large courtroom video screen. Rush’s dash-cam video shows him moving from the parking lot across the small road from where both Don Carlos, and Twin Peaks parking areas shared a grassy median separating the two businesses properties.
Rush’s dash-cam follows his team as they bound down the median. Watch more of the Testimony from October, 23rd 2017 on a few different news stations archived on this site for historical purposes.